Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Electrolysis of Magnesium Chloride: TRANSCRIPT

Video #1

Electrolysis is the process by which an electric current is passed between two electrodes through an ionic solution, in order to deposit cations on the negative electrode and the anions on the positive electrode, and therefore separate a mineral from its ore.

Magnesium, an alkaline earth metal and one of the most abundant elements dissolved in seawater, is not found naturally as a free element as it is highly reactive and therefore extremely flammable. Magnesium is placed high in the reactivity series, and consequently, is refined through electrolysis.  Although the process of electrolysis is expensive and consumes an enormous amount of electrical energy, it is the most efficient, reliable and thorough means of separation for magnesium.

Video #2

Magnesium Ores and Mines
Magnesium is found as ores in large deposits of Magnesite, Dolomite, and Brucite, yet is most commonly found dissolved as a solution in seawater and natural brines in Lake Cargellico, Lake Cobar and Lake Nyngan in New South Wales.

Extracting and Refining Process
Through the process of electrolysis, magnesium metal is extracted from dissolved ions within seawater or magnesium-rich brines. Calcium Magnesium Carbonate is added to this seawater to produce magnesium hydroxide, which in turn is used to create Magnesium Oxide. Magnesium Chloride is produced by heating this magnesium oxide with Hydrochloric Acid. This magnesium chloride which must heated until it is molten before it is able to conduct electricity. As the direct current, along with a graphite anode and steel cathode, is placed within the molten electrolyte, chlorine ions lose electrons to form chlorine anions which are attracted to the anode and are separated from the magnesium chloride. Magnesium ions gain electrons to form magnesium cations, which is attracted to the negatively charged cathode. Therefore Magnesium ions are deposited as a pure and refined metal.

Video #3

Uses in Society
·        Used in aircraft, car engine casings, and missile construction, magnesium alloyed with aluminium are exceptionally versatile as they are high-strength, and corrosion-resistant alloys.  Because magnesium burns brightly, it is used in flares, fire-starters and fireworks.
·        Magnesium compounds such as its hydroxide and sulfate are used for medicinal, agricultural and therapeutic purposes.

Magnesium Depletion?
Making up 13% of the Earth’s mass and mantle, magnesium is primarily extracted from seawater and magnesium-rich brines. Due to this fact alone, there is no specific nor estimated time in which Australia nor will the world find itself in a shortage of magnesium. However, Magnesium found as ores face possible exhaustion form natural reserves by 3024.

Magnesium ore depletion can deterred and/or avoided by not only sourcing magnesium from its dissolved state in seawater, but also recycling magnesium metal and its various aluminium alloys, rather than mining for it. 


Wikipedia. 2014. (accessed 11, 14, 15/Aug/2014)

Australian Government (Geoscience Australia). 2012. (accessed 11, 14, 15/Aug/2014)

GCSE Chemistry. 2014. (accessed 11/Aug/2014)

Web Elements. 2004. (accessed 11/Aug/2014)

Chemicool. 2014. (accessed 11/Aug/2014)

Tripod. 2011. (accessed 15/Aug/2014)

University of York. 2014. (accessed 15/Aug/2014)

HowStuffWorks. 2014 (accessed 17/Aug/2014)

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